Uncover, Recover, Discover

Articles on emotional disturbance, mental health, spiritual sickness & recovery

Mental health article wellbeing recovery resolution keeping New Year's resolution essential qualities Soltalk

Vital characteristics that are needed to keep a resolution

By David Hurst | Jan 6, 2022

This is the time of year when we vow to make everlasting changes… But for many people those positive intentions don’t last much longer than the month ahead. So what are the essential qualities needed to make a resolution work. Ring in the new… What a fantastic opportunity for positive changes, progress, growth and to…

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Recovery isn't about surviving or coping, it’s about HEALING

Recovery isn’t about surviving or coping – it’s about HEALING

By David Hurst | Jan 4, 2022
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Mental health article wellbeing coach healthy boundaries

How to have healthy boundaries

By David Hurst | Dec 4, 2021

Too many people do not have healthy boundaries. This means they frequently feel that other people cross a line. Most days we have some sort of interaction with other people. In person, video-calls, social media, on the phone… These days there are so many ways. So we all need healthy boundaries more than ever. It…

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Wellbeing Wellbeing Life Coach Counsellor Therapist

Brilliant benefits of meditation

By David Hurst | Nov 14, 2021

Meditation reduces stress, anxiety, pain, depression and enhances general wellbeing. A typical image of meditation is someone sitting in the lotus posture. But there are different ways to meditate – and it’s for each person to find out what works best to enhance their mind, body and soul. Meditation helps us gain mental clarity and…

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Hero's Journey therapy 12 Steps Twelve Steps Joseph Campbell

Going on your very own personal Hollywood Hero’s Journey in 12 Steps

By David Hurst | Nov 4, 2021

Everyone needs to go on their very own personal Hero’s Journey. It’s essential if you want to live your one chance at life fully and be who you really can be, who you’re meant to be.  It’s the template for every Hollywood blockbuster and bestselling novel as well as virtually every story ever told, from…

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Wellbeing mental health article emotional burnout

How to spot whether you’re suffering from burnout

By David Hurst | Nov 4, 2021

Burnout arises when someone is in a state of constant stress, an abnormal way to be and yet many people carry on trying to live like this. But what is behind burnout – and what can be done to resolve it to really start living again. My new article for Soltalk magazine: http://www.soltalk.com/comment/november-2021/

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Magazine article mental health emotional wellbeing

Major signs of strong emotional wellbeing

By David Hurst | Oct 16, 2021

My new article for Essential Magazine. A person with strong emotional wellbeing has a healthy inner ability to manage life on life’s terms. Whether it’s stress, financial problems, a relationship break-up, trauma, illness, a bereavement, they always seem to cope with everything in an admirable way. Being emotionally strong means having the right tools in…

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Magazine article mental health emotional wellbeing SAD depression Nerja counselling Costa del Sol Spain coach therapy

How the darker months can be full of light – simple ways to beat SAD & all depression

By David Hurst | Oct 6, 2021

My new article for Soltalk magazine – “how the darker months can be full of light”, about SAD (seasonal affective disorder) and simple ways to beat this “author & winter depression”. http://www.soltalk.com/comment/october-2021/

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rave ecstasy clubbing Es

“Did drinking and/or using drugs in the past cause my mental health problems now?”

By David Hurst | Sep 30, 2021

“Did I get away with it?”  It’s a question many people, from their 30s onwards really start to wonder. It’s probably a question that many people have asked since humans first started taking mood-altering substances in an excessive way, including alcohol of course. I’ve seen it pondered and been asked it many times. That is…

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