Uncover, Recover, Discover

Articles on emotional disturbance, mental health, spiritual sickness & recovery

David Hurst Wellbeing Coach counselling therapy article

Why emotional issues are bound to cause physical problems

By David Hurst | Jan 17, 2021

In this era, many people seem surprised and shocked that they have physical illnesses and issues while struggling with their emotional and mental health. Our ancestors knew the two were inextricably linked, and yet in the past century that knowledge seems to have been nudged and then shoved aside. So at some time it seems…

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Healing power of trees nature green health ecotherapy great outdoors mental health wellbeing spiritual nature wellbeing well-being

The healing power of trees – my article for Psychologies

By David Hurst | Jan 15, 2021

Trees provide breathable air, timber, fuel, food, shelter, medicine and beauty. Without trees, we could not live. They can help us think better – Plato and Aristotle did their best thinking in the olive groves around Athens, Buddha found enlightenment beneath a bo tree, and Isaac Newton realised his theory of gravity when an apple fell from…

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self-help recovery book 12 Steps Twelve Steps hero's journey

My book 12 Steps To 1 Hero: the opening pages

By David Hurst | Jan 14, 2021

How chaos captured in a net never makes order “It was really scary… but then it was beautiful.“ That’s how my ten-year-old son Daniel described the final part of The Neverending Story fantasy film when I asked what I’d missed after falling asleep towards the end. I recalled the earlier line in it said by the old gnome lady Urgl: “It has…

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friendship best friends soul mates suicide depression mental illness mental health article loss bereavement mental health book self-help book recovery book dealing with grief

The strange, life-affirming nature of loss

By David Hurst | Jan 12, 2021

This is an article written after my best friend Tim ended his life. It was published in national newspapers around the English-speaking world. When David Hurst’s soulmate took his own life, his emotions ranged from disbelief to anger, to a numbing sorrow. In a celebratory book, the writer now seeks to honour Tim Martin’s memory.…

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Self-help recovery book Twelve Steps 12 Steps book recovery mental health addiction depression alcoholism anxiety

Opening pages of my book Words To Change Your Life

By David Hurst | Jan 7, 2021

Introduction This book started when I looked up from where the English word “heal” derived. That was after getting an inkling that it might reveal something quite significant about how mental health is treated today. I just felt that there was something missing from the meaning of how it is used in our modern world.…

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What will recovery give me?

By David Hurst | Jan 6, 2021

There’s only everything to gain. Recovery is life-transforming – and more often than many people know it is life-saving. Perhaps just in time too. To understand more fully, it’s useful to know something that is behind many emotional disturbances and mental health problems including addictions. That is trauma. Addiction expert Dr Gabor Maté explains how…

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