Uncover, Recover, Discover

Articles on emotional disturbance, mental health, spiritual sickness & recovery

Exercise addiction

Can someone get addicted to exercise?

By David Hurst | Nov 11, 2022

We are all encouraged to exercise – and with sound reason as it’s so good for us. But do some people take it too far and develop an exercise addiction that’s damaging for themselves and to those around them too? It is believed that half of adults have one or more chronic diseases that are…

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Yoga meditation for mental health spiritual physical wellbeing coach

Why meditation & yoga is so essential for us in every way

By David Hurst | Oct 3, 2022

Yoga and meditation is traditionally seen in the West as something only “spiritual types” do. But it could in fact be that it’s a basic human need for not only spiritual, emotional and mental wellbeing – but physically its benefits are extraordinary too. Meditation reduces anxiety, depression, stress and actually enhances wellbeing in every way.…

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Why music & singing is so good for us mental health Singing Wellbeing Soltalk

Why music & singing is so good for us

By David Hurst | Sep 2, 2022

There’s not an obvious connection between a noisy football crowd and a village church congregation. But there is of course the similarity between them of one thing: singing. One might be raucous chanting and the other a gentle hymn, but the feeling given to those singing as well as anyone listening in both cases is…

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Mind & body soul mental health wellbeing article coaching therapy

How mental health problems will so often cause physical health problems

By David Hurst | Jul 30, 2022

How we think, feel and consequently behave will so often have an impact on our physical health that can be the life or death of us. That’s because our mind, body and spirit are inextricably linked. Ask any doctor whether our emotional and physical conditions are connected – and it will be a resounding yes.…

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Finding true self

How to find your true self

By David Hurst | Jul 4, 2022

So many people live their life not being true to themselves. The real problem is that a great many people never actually know their true self. Shakespeare famously wrote: “To thine own self be true.” We all need to be our true self for real happiness. It is what everyone is really yearning for –…

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Essential things anyone can do every day for a happier life and more positive energy

Five essential things anyone can do every day for a happier life & positive energy πŸ™‚

By David Hurst | Jun 30, 2022

Have a look through this article “21 ways to live brilliantly” and have a try of any of those that you like the look of in some way. Try them for a week and if they help, then it makes sense to carry on doing them. The ones I would say are really essential are:…

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mental health recovery podcast

“It’s our spirit that tells us if we’re happy or sad.”

By David Hurst | Jun 17, 2022

My chat with lovely Hannah Charlotte for her wonderfully insightful podcast. We covered loads – recovery, mental health problems, the Twelve Steps, Hero’s Journey, God, Love, non-love, Carl Jung, author Matt Haig, Dr Gabor MatΓ©, addiction, alcoholism, my book 12 Steps To 1 Hero, plus clubbing/raving in the late 1980s and throughout the 1990s… https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/jumping-through-hoops-with-hannah-charlotte/id1329266713

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Gratitude recovery

Why being grateful is so important to feeling great

By David Hurst | Jun 3, 2022

When people ask me for help, one of the first things I advise them to do is think about things they have to be grateful for in life. This is because such as depression, stress and anxiety cannot coexist alongside gratitude. Gratitude always shoves away depression and anxiety, in the same way that you cannot…

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Hero's Journey recovery 12 Steps Twelve Steps Joseph Campbell

Why everyone needs to go on their own Hollywood hero’s journey

By David Hurst | May 4, 2022

Most likely, your favourite film or novel is your favourite because it tells you about something that you know deep down you need to do in order to live the best life you possibly can. From The Wizard Of Oz, Watership Down, Star Wars and Superman to The Lord Of The Rings, The Matrix and…

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