Five essential things anyone can do every day for a happier life & positive energy πŸ™‚

Essential things anyone can do every day for a happier life and more positive energy

Have a look through this article “21 ways to live brilliantly” and have a try of any of those that you like the look of in some way. Try them for a week and if they help, then it makes sense to carry on doing them.

The ones I would say are really essential are:

Keeping it in the day and in the moment.

It takes practice but start now. If you find yourself thinking about the past or future, catch yourself and bring it back to the moment. If you can do this once in a day, that’s progress. Then twice a day and so on, until you are fully living in the moment at every moment.

Write a gratitude list. 

It seems very simple, but it’s really effective at getting people to think in a positive way (and consequently not in a negative way as they may well have been doing for years). So write one at night at bedtime and then read it first thing in the morning.

If you are struggling in the day you can write another one or read through the one or ones you’ve already written. Negative states of being such as anxiety, depression and anger cannot coexist alongside gratitude.

Read the Just For Today card every morning.

Then live your life according to it. If you read it every morning it just starts to become the way that you live.

Start every day with meditation (working up to 30 minutes a day).

A lot of people get lost on this as they think they should be floating in the lotus position or something like this straightaway. But it’s really just about starting each day calmly and peacefully.

So you have your cup of tea or coffee, but rather than bombarding yourself with things to do or social media or the news, instead take a good look at the view and listen to your heartbeat, really taste what you are drinking, and so on.

Just be mindful of being in the moment. If you find yourself thinking, observe the thoughts rather than be them.

One of the main things is to realise that we have a choice over all of our thoughts, whether we let them in or send them away – and some of them we need to send away ruthlessly! That’s if they are just negative and not good for us or anyone around us.

Many people bring in prayer here too. Prayer simply derives from words meaning “to ask earnestly”. It is a humbling of oneself (hence why many people get on their knees or bow their heads) to realise that no person is the greatest power in the universe.

Then ask earnestly about anything you are concerned, and ask to be guided in every thought and action by whatever you feel is this greater power. Prayer is an intention, a focus. Many people say prayer is asking, and meditation is listening.

Positive affirmations.

These are very helpful as well. Read some of these ones out that are listed below that appeal to you, in front of a mirror works especially well. Even if you don’t feel like doing these or perhaps especially if you don’t feel like doing them make yourself do them. Soon you will want to do them as you feel their benefits.

1.    Every day, in every way, I am getting better.

2.    I can and I will.

3.    I will be a better me.

4.    I am worthy of great things.

5.    I like the person I’m becoming.

6.    All of my problems have a solution.

7.    I press on because I believe in my path.

8.    The past has no power over me any more.

9.    I have many strengths. 

10. I am becoming stronger in so many ways each day.

11. I am a smart and successful person.

12. I am a positive person, always looking at the bright side of things.

13. I am confident in who I am.

14. I am enjoying the road of recovery one day at a time.

15. I release the victim mentality. I take responsibility for every area of my life.

16. I am worthy of abundant love from myself and others.

17. I love myself and others unconditionally.

18. I choose to trust that all will be fine.

19. I am committed to my recovery.

20. My Higher Power gives me the strength I need at every moment.

21. I take great care of myself.

22. I am becoming more and more aware of the beautiful things in my life and life in general.

23. When I have a problem or craving, I reach out for help.

24. I am compassionate and giving.

25. I experience peace and tranquility wherever I am.

26. I face my fears as they come and I courageously move forward anyway.

27. I aim for healthy relationships with my partner, friends, and family.

28. I am open to learning new things that benefit my growth.

29. I choose friends that are supportive and affirming of me.

30. I express my emotions in a healthy way.

31. I forgive myself and anyone else that has hurt me through the years.

32. It is safe to be myself.

33. I will be Relentlessly Me.