21 ways to live brilliantly

Recovery 12 Steps Twelve Steps one day at a time adapt

There are some things that if you do them every day you will find they give you a good day – and even a brilliant day. What I love about these is they cannot NOT work – so long as you work them. These are always suggestions only. Try them, I’d suggest for at least…

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How is recovery at the start?


Everyone has their own journey, naturally. Consequently, recovery can be extremely different. However, we all have the exact same human condition with the same feelings. Those feelings of, say, happiness are the same whether within someone in Australia and their cousin in England or in you today and in an ancestor of yours from 5,000…

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Vital characteristics that are needed to keep a resolution

Mental health article wellbeing recovery resolution keeping New Year's resolution essential qualities Soltalk

This is the time of year when we vow to make everlasting changes… But for many people those positive intentions don’t last much longer than the month ahead. So what are the essential qualities needed to make a resolution work. Ring in the new… What a fantastic opportunity for positive changes, progress, growth and to…

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How to have healthy boundaries

Mental health article wellbeing coach healthy boundaries

Too many people do not have healthy boundaries. This means they frequently feel that other people cross a line. Most days we have some sort of interaction with other people. In person, video-calls, social media, on the phone… These days there are so many ways. So we all need healthy boundaries more than ever. It…

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Brilliant benefits of meditation

Wellbeing Wellbeing Life Coach Counsellor Therapist

Meditation reduces stress, anxiety, pain, depression and enhances general wellbeing. A typical image of meditation is someone sitting in the lotus posture. But there are different ways to meditate – and it’s for each person to find out what works best to enhance their mind, body and soul. Meditation helps us gain mental clarity and…

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