1. Keep it in the day and in the moment

Keep it in the day

It takes practice but start now. If you find yourself thinking about the past or future, catch yourself and bring it back to the moment. If you can do this once in a day, that’s progress. Then twice a day and so on, until you are fully living in the moment at every moment.

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Just For Today – the magic card…

Just For Today card

There’s a pocket-sized folded white card that has helped millions of people around the world to positively transform their lives and benefit everyone around them too. For a few decades, tens of thousands recovering alcoholics and addicts have read this tiny piece of paper known as the Just For Today card. It has helped them…

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Why walking and talking therapy is so popular

Walking and talking therapy

Spring is in the air and that means we can all get out and about more often. This is great news for everyone – obviously physically, but also it has an array of benefits for us mentally, emotionally and spiritually. This is why there’s such a growing popularity for walking and talking therapy and coaching.…

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What are some of the best recovery books?

best recovery self-help books

There are so many books of self-help and recovery now that it can be difficult to know where to start… So many exceptional books on aspects of mental health and recovery deserve a mention including by Dr Gabor Maté, Louise Hay, Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, Brené Brown, Susan Jeffers, Bessel van der Kolk, Charles L. Whitfield, Matt…

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What is recovery?

recovery article

I believe we’re all born full of complete self-love, self–esteem and self-confidence. To my mind, it’s just how humans are made. But then things happen – most frequently when we are growing up – that break, shatter or crack our wholeness. This is why people end up with low on no self-love, self-esteem and self-confidence.…

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Phenomenal power of positive thinking

Wellbeing Positive Thinking

We should never underestimate the immense power of our thoughts… Last month I was injured playing football. I couldn’t put my foot down and an X-ray at the hospital showed the doctor I had a fractured ankle. A week later I had another X-ray and a different doctor said it still looked fractured. But a…

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Can someone get addicted to exercise?

Exercise addiction

We are all encouraged to exercise – and with sound reason as it’s so good for us. But do some people take it too far and develop an exercise addiction that’s damaging for themselves and to those around them too? It is believed that half of adults have one or more chronic diseases that are…

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Why meditation & yoga is so essential for us in every way

Yoga meditation for mental health spiritual physical wellbeing coach

Yoga and meditation is traditionally seen in the West as something only “spiritual types” do. But it could in fact be that it’s a basic human need for not only spiritual, emotional and mental wellbeing – but physically its benefits are extraordinary too. Meditation reduces anxiety, depression, stress and actually enhances wellbeing in every way.…

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Why music & singing is so good for us

Why music & singing is so good for us mental health Singing Wellbeing Soltalk

There’s not an obvious connection between a noisy football crowd and a village church congregation. But there is of course the similarity between them of one thing: singing. One might be raucous chanting and the other a gentle hymn, but the feeling given to those singing as well as anyone listening in both cases is…

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